How are things with you?
How are things with you? I mean REALLY how are things with your physical, mental and emotional self in this moment? Take a moment to pause and check in with … Continue readingHow are things with you?
Connecting to the wisdom within.
How are things with you? I mean REALLY how are things with your physical, mental and emotional self in this moment? Take a moment to pause and check in with … Continue readingHow are things with you?
We have been taught that comfort makes us happy, that getting what we want makes us happy, that having things go the way we want makes us happy, that having … Continue readingWhat makes us happy?
Brene Brown tells us in her book Rising Strong, that our answer to this question says a lot about our state of mind. I love that she tells stories on … Continue readingAre people doing the best they can?
The route to root causes. Whenever I answer my husband’s question, ”What’s the matter?” His reply is, “That’s not it. What is it really?” He knows continued questioning leads past … Continue readingAsking Why
If it doesn’t open, it’s not your door. This is my message right now. Isn’t it nice that messages come to us in many forms? The very words we need … Continue readingIf it doesn’t open, it’s not your door.
Stay in your center – My friend Steve likes to say this and it’s good advice on so many levels. With Ayurveda there are ten pairs of opposite qualities that … Continue readingStay in your center
If you are feeling anxious, you are not alone; anxiety is the number one issue my students tell me they would like yoga to help them with. I always tell … Continue readingAnxiety Relief
I have healing hands. I know this because years ago, while I was on a field trip with my son’s third grade class, a little girl told me so. I … Continue readingHealing Hands
Raising children is a labor of love and to paraphrase Kristin Hannah’s artist statement at the back of her book The Nightingale, moms & dads often feel like a woman … Continue readingMindfulness for Families
I love introducing new students to the healing power of yoga and my favorite part is hearing their stories of how it has changed their lives for the better. Here … Continue readingThe Healing Power of Yoga
I remember Walter Cronkite used to end his news report by saying, “And that’s the way it is,” and I believed him. I know now that this is just one … Continue readingPerception
I received this as an opening line in a message from a friend. “I’ve been asking myself WWJD (What Would Janet Do)?” I thought it was funny, and especially so … Continue readingWhat’s the lesson?