Circles of Love
Why our women friends nurture us and keep us sane. Family is important, but when we moved recently to be closer to grandchildren, I left behind a circle of women … Continue readingCircles of Love
Connecting to the wisdom within.
Why our women friends nurture us and keep us sane. Family is important, but when we moved recently to be closer to grandchildren, I left behind a circle of women … Continue readingCircles of Love
It’s never too late to change your diet for the better. The movie Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead is the story of Joe Cross overcoming an autoimmune disease by changing … Continue readingStiff, Sore, and Walking Funny
Reciting a loving kindness meditation at the end of a yoga class can help us be in a kindness mind set, but how do we *live* it as we face … Continue readingExtreme Kindness
“Do you want to know my secret shame?” I can’t see the look on your face, but I could tell from the face of the person sitting next to me … Continue readingOpen Your Heart
We have been taught that comfort makes us happy, that getting what we want makes us happy, that having things go the way we want makes us happy, that having … Continue readingWhat makes us happy?
Cleaning out the old prepares space in your life for the new. Get inspired and start right now. Stuff is everywhere, filling up the car, the kitchen, the closet … … Continue readingLetting Stuff Go
Brene Brown tells us in her book Rising Strong, that our answer to this question says a lot about our state of mind. I love that she tells stories on … Continue readingAre people doing the best they can?
We are in the process of moving and that means sorting and deciding – what goes with us and what is given to the thrift store. My husband was Air … Continue readingA Moving Hodja Tale
If it doesn’t open, it’s not your door. This is my message right now. Isn’t it nice that messages come to us in many forms? The very words we need … Continue readingIf it doesn’t open, it’s not your door.
I am a Grandmother now, but I can look back and remember a time when I thought the world would end before I had the chance to find love, get … Continue readingFears for the Future
Stay in your center – My friend Steve likes to say this and it’s good advice on so many levels. With Ayurveda there are ten pairs of opposite qualities that … Continue readingStay in your center
One muscle motion that yoga does not include is the chin-up or pull-up. The difference between the two is in the grip; a pull-up uses an overhand grip with palms facing … Continue readingChin Up