Are people doing the best they can?
Brene Brown tells us in her book Rising Strong, that our answer to this question says a lot about our state of mind. I love that she tells stories on … Continue readingAre people doing the best they can?
Connecting to the wisdom within.
Brene Brown tells us in her book Rising Strong, that our answer to this question says a lot about our state of mind. I love that she tells stories on … Continue readingAre people doing the best they can?
I have healing hands. I know this because years ago, while I was on a field trip with my son’s third grade class, a little girl told me so. I … Continue readingHealing Hands
Cats know how to be steady and comfortable. Yogis know that a good yoga pose is steady and comfortable, as described in the Yoga Sutras. How do we know if … Continue readingSteady and Comfortable
I identify with witches. Not the evil kind, but the wise-old-woman-healer kind. I have a black cat, I simmer chicken bones overnight in a big pot to make bone broth, … Continue readingBest Witches
When I think of the 4th of July I think of freedom. When I think of freedom, I think of this quote from My Grandfather’s Blessings by Rachel Naomi Remen, M.D. Her … Continue readingBecoming Clear
Here’s a trick question: How many poses are listed in The Yoga Sutras? You might expect the book that is considered to be the bible of yoga to be stuffed … Continue readingThe Science of the Mind
We Live Too Short and Die Too Long: How to Achieve and Enjoy Your Natural 100-Year-Plus Life Span by Walter M. Bortz II, M.D. I am always on the look … Continue readingWe Live Too Short
I find it ironic that I am a big proponent of cutting time on the Internet and yet I have a blog that I would like people to go online … Continue readingSearch Inside Yourself
As we continue our yoga journey, we deepen our practice and expand our self-awareness. This natural progression leads us toward Ayurveda. Ayu translates as “life” or “daily living,” and Veda … Continue readingDaily Living as Art
“I’m getting old.” I’ve heard this phrase so many times from a person with an ache or a pain. It seems that people expect to start falling apart ‘at a … Continue readingOlder and Wiser